Do you need help reaching your fitness goals? I totally get it! I have a love/hate relationship with exercise, but sometimes a small incentive is all I need to make it to the end of my workout. Today I'm sharing a few tricks I've used in the past to stay motivated. These rewards for working out are ones you can easily incorporate into your own routine to keep your fitness goals on track!
This is a 3-part series, by the way! Today's rewards are small ones you can give yourself at the end of each workout (or at the end of a successful week). They're all either free or have a very small price tag. The second list incorporates mid-level rewards for when you reach monthly milestones. The third list contains high-level rewards for when you hit those really BIG goals.
Crush fitness goals by rewarding yourself each time you complete a workout. #fitnesstips Share on X
Rewards for Surviving Your 1st Week of Workouts
Whether you're new to working out or just getting back into the habit, positive reinforcement is always a good thing. Select your favorites from the incentives below, then motivate yourself to get moving ASAP!
1. Take a bubble bath. Baths are such a relaxing way to reward sore muscles at the end of a long, hard workout. They're also a great time to reflect on what you've accomplished and to set fitness goals for the upcoming week. (Or, if you're like me, you can use the time to channel your inner Chandler.)
2. Buy a lottery ticket. This is my personal favorite, because it's completely frivolous and fun. I'll buy a $1 scratch-off ticket for each day that I successfully complete a 30-minute workout or sometimes I'll purchase a $5 ticket if I worked out for 5 days in a row. You get the idea! Craft your own combination that works for you.
3. Download a new workout song. If you do this at the end of each successful day, you'll have a great new playlist in no time at all. I used to do this all the time when I was running regularly, because new music really motivates me during a run.
4. Take a nap. Ah, need I say more? zzzzzzzz……
Feeling lazy? Make yourself go for a quick walk or jog to earn a 30 minute nap! #tradeoff #workouttips Share on X
5. Go out to eat. I don't typically encourage food as a reward, but I do think it's nice to have someone else do the cooking for a change! After a successful week of workouts, dine out on a nice salad or grilled chicken dinner so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your meal.
6. Subscribe to a fitness magazine: Get a yearly subscription to your favorite fitness magazine and have fresh inspiration delivered to your doorstep (or device) each month!
7. Purchase colorful earbuds: You never know when a colorful accessory might be just the ticket to perk up your workout and make everyone around you smile.
8. Treat yourself to a new nail polish: I love picking up new polishes, then giving myself a mani/pedi for the weekend.
I hope these ideas help! I'm sure you can come up with some creative ones of your own, too. The idea is to just give yourself something small as a fun “atta girl” (or “atta boy”) for making it through the week.
You've got to push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you. #selfmotivation #fitnessgoals Share on X
Track Your Success
To keep track of your success, mark completed workouts off in your phone or on a calendar. I prefer the calendar route myself because I'm such a visual person.
The 21/90 Rule: It takes 21 days to develop a habit & 90 days to develop a lifestyle. #fitnessgoals Share on X
I hope my suggestions have helped spur an idea you can use as your daily fitness motivator. Rewarding yourself frequently is a fantastic way to set a positive mindset! The positive reinforcement will help you develop an enthusiasm for working out so you can make it to the “habit” stage — and eventually turn healthy living into a lifestyle.
Have a happy and healthy week!