Selecting the right concealer can be such a daunting task, but it's a basic necessity in every makeup toolkit. After all, no one has perfect skin (even though a quick scroll through Instagram might seem to contradict that point). In order to have skin that appears flawless, you simply need to find the right concealer for the job. We're here to share the best concealer for acne, under eye circles, and more. We're listing the top-performing option in each category, so this is a no BS … [Read more...]
Makeup Essentials: The Products Every Beginner Needs
If you feel overwhelmed when you walk into a makeup store, don’t worry -- we’re here to help! While we love beauty products and could probably open a store of our own, we also remember what it was like when we first discovered the addicting world of makeup. Our back-to-basics approach contains all the makeup tips you need to achieve a flawless face using only the essentials. Makeup Essentials for Beginners: Primer Primer has many benefits, but our favorite is that it gives makeup staying … [Read more...]
The Best Neutral Eyeshadow Palettes for Beginners
Picking the perfect eyeshadow palette can be overwhelming for a beginner; the packaging all looks really pretty and there are so many gorgeous colors! Don't even get me started on all the sparkly finishes! How do you know what to look for and which is the best option? I'm breaking it down in a couple simple steps and listing my top recommendations for the best neutral eyeshadow palettes for beginners. Trust me, you don't need to spend a fortune when you're first developing your makeup … [Read more...]
A Simple Everyday Makeup Look
I don't wear a lot of makeup when I go to school or work, but I do like to even out my skin tone, add some color to my cheeks, and really make my eyes pop! Today I'm sharing my best makeup tips for an everyday/casual look, like this one: So serious. :) (I was watching an episode of Friends.) Anyway, this is my everyday makeup look for work and school. Products Used: Tinted Moisturizer: Too Faced Tinted Beauty Balm | Contour: Too Faced Cocoa Contour | Blush: Milani Cosmetics Baked Powder in … [Read more...]
How to Master the Natural Makeup Look
With all the makeup tutorials on the internet, sometimes learning how to apply makeup can seem overwhelming! Highlighting, contouring,'s enough to make a girl want to go back to basics. I usually prefer a more natural makeup look anyway, so today I'm sharing my best tips to help you master that look with the right kind of makeup. FTC Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means we’ll receive a small referral fee from purchases at no cost to you. You can read our … [Read more...]